First Pacific Islands Laboratory Week
PACER Plus Refresher Training on Rules of Origin

PACER Plus Aims to Enhance Tonga's capacity in Foreign Direct Investment

World Consumer Rights Day
Tonga's National E-Commerce Committee
Tonga Launches Labour Mobility Supply Management Strategy
First Pacific Islands Laboratory Week

Malo e lelei & Welcome to Ministry of Trade and Economic Development

The Ministry’s mandates are based on the Tonga Strategic Development Framework II national economic outcome; “more progressive Tonga, supporting a higher quality of life for all, through more inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development.” – TSDF II Closer public/private partnership for economic growth. Strengthened business enabling environment. Better access to, and use, of overseas trade, employment and foreign investment.

The Ministry's VISION, MISSION and VALUES are set out below:

OUR VISION  : Leader in enabling private sector growth and development.

OUR MISSION : Commitment to strengthen partnership with all stakeholders to effective deliver our services.

OUR VALUES : Teamwork, Innovation, Performance Orientated, Accountability, Transparency and Integrity.

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